How We Helped the Welchert Company &
the Pueblo County Chamber of Commerce
pass Pueblo West Ballot Issue 6C

Ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, aided the Welchert Company and Pueblo County in raising public awareness and engagement around Pueblo West’s roads. The efforts to raise awareness were the first step in helping achieve the passing of Yes on 6C, a 2022 ballot issue that helps provide funding to fix the roads in Pueblo West.
In phase one, we achieved 4,866 engagements and sparked discussion and debate amongst Pueblo West residents. We accomplished this by creating paid ads on Pueblo County’s Facebook page. This content was targeted at Pueblo West residents and encouraged them to respond with their concerns surrounding the conditions of the roads, as well as examples of run-down roads in the town. Residents of the town were also sent postcards in the mail with QR codes that linked to these digital ads, allowing our team to grab their attention and direct them to the Facebook content. These ads allowed residents to connect and share their perspectives on the current condition of the roads in Pueblo West, and allowed our team to better understand public sentiment around these issues. As a result, this phase was a huge success when it came to generating public interest and debate.
Awareness Ads
Road Priorities
One set of ads focused on concerns Pueblo West residents had about their roads. These ads allowed residents to “vote” on which of four issues - washboard roads, dangerous potholes, washout and flooding, and dirt roads - they were most concerned about.
Overall, our Road Priorities ads earned 1,859 post engagements and was seen by 25,927 people with 187,431 impressions.

Worst Roads Contest
Alongside our “Priorities” ads, we launched a “Worst Roads Contest” post which encouraged residents to submit photos of the worst roads in Pueblo West in the post’s comments. Residents could then vote on which of these roads were in the worst condition by reacting to the images. Through these ads, Pueblo West residents had a forum on which they could communicate with other residents and connect on the various ailments impacting their town’s roads.
These ads received 2,426 post engagements, were seen by 37,424 people, and generated a total of 140,413 impressions.
In phase II, we were able to reach and engage with Pueblo West residents regarding the ballot issue, Yes on 6C, and discuss why 6C was beneficial for Pueblo West. Using our awareness phase from above we were able to spread the word and increase awareness of the issue and engage supporters for it.
In the end, we were able to achieve 31,082 Facebook Impressions, reach 8,852 Pueblo West Residents, earn 82 link clicks, and generate 401 engagements.
Alongside Facebook advertisements, developed and managed the website.
​’s efforts, in collaboration with the Welchert Company, allowed ballot measure 6C pass with 53.1% of the votes in the 2022 election. The passing of this bill helps fund the fixing of roads in Pueblo West, Colorado.This bill leads to immediate road repairs, keeps all collected funds within Pueblo West systems, ensures faster emergency response times, and creates safer environments for children to walk in.
By the Numbers
