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Shifting Behavior Change Among Summit County's Youth: "Vaping Sucks" Anti-Vaping Campaign  


In 2017, Colorado led the nation in youth vaping, and Summit County led Colorado. In Summit County, 40.6% of high school students had reported vaping in the past 30 days compared to 27.0% across the state. In order to reverse a dangerous trend, was tasked with driving behavior change amongst the youth of Summit County.



In our efforts to tackle the vaping crisis in Summit County, we focused on engaging with local youth by utilizing platforms and messaging that would appeal to them. We conducted thorough research, both primary and secondary, to develop an innovative strategy tailored specifically for young Summit County residents. Our approach was all about keeping it real and relatable. We wanted to make sure our message hit home, so we gathered genuine stories about vaping from their peers. By sharing these personal experiences, we aimed to have a powerful and lasting impact on vaping in Summit County.

To kick off our campaign, we interviewed several young people in Summit County who had previous experiences with vaping and nicotine. From this, we created the "Vaping Sucks" campaign, which used digital content including videos, static images, Snapchat ads, and Facebook ads. This content would direct youth to our website,, which contained resources for quitting vaping. The campaign generated over 6.3 million impressions, setting the stage for true behavior change across Summit County. The importance of reaching as many youth and adults as possible, and doubling down on our message, is the first and most important element of behavior change.

Vaping Sucks Logo
Summit County Logo

By the Numbers

Youtube Views

6.3 Million

Total Impressions


Reached on Social Pages


Visitors to our Website


YouTube Views

Digital Tactics



2 Million Impressions

4,471 Swipe-Ups



831,331 Impressions
2,447 Content Interactions



2.2 Million Impressions

$3.25 Cost Per Click

Content Samples

Video Content


Bus Wrap

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How We Beat Big Tobacco with Memes

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